Trademark Application India

Trademark Application is the term given to the action or process of filing a trademark application for registration with the prescribed trademark office at national or international level. Such a trademark application is pre-requisite for securing one's trademark and acquiring certain legitimate rights regarding diverse commercial uses of the trademark by the creator or trademark holder. Since trademarks serve as the bricks to the entire business structure of any economy, our responsible law firm of India provides the complete gamut of legal services regarding trademark application, registration, and protection. All ours trademark related services in India, like filing trademark India, India trademark registration, etc., are described exclusively in the section furnished below. Here, it is noteworthy that, our well-established law firm situated in India, has achieved high appreciations and commendations in the international jurisdictions also, for its dedicated and innovative services to trademarks in diverse economic sectors. The trademark application and registration under the TRIPS Agreement, Madrid Protocol, European Community Trademark (CTM), and Paris Convention, is well-supported by us.

Trademark Application in Delhi

For filing trademark application in India, there are zonal trademark offices situated in every part of the country in New Delhi, Kolkata, Mumbai, Ahmedabad, and Chennai. Trademarks pertaining to entrepreneurs, companies, institutions, and industries established in any State or Union Territory of India, in any desired field of business or profession, are registered and protected by the new Trade Marks Act of 1999, and the Trade Marks Rules of 2002. Our popular and reputed legal firm of India has been offering punctilious and impeccable services to trademarks in all economic sectors for over a decade. All other objects and issues of the intellectual property rights are also well-served by us. Our services in relation to trademarks encompass - selection of the right and perfect trademarks, discerning trademark searches in India and abroad, filing and prosecuting trademark applications in Indian and International jurisdictions, trademark watch and monitoring, arbitrating trademark disputes, and fighting trademark infringement litigations. Ours these capabilities render us a distinguished name for trademark application India, in all over the country.