Agmark Certification India

AGMARK (Agricultural Marketing and Grading) is the quality benchmark provided by the Government of India on all agricultural produce. AGMARK certification is provided on 205 commodities including Pulses, Cereals, Essential oils, Vegetable Oils, Fruits and Vegetables and other semi-products produced by farmers in different states. The AGMARK came into the existence in the year 1937 by the Government of India and then amended in the year 1986 in order to include more and more numbers of commodities. AGMARK registration is inevitable as consumers can easily trust on the suppliers as this is one of the most trusted quality benchmark employed by our Government. As the name suggests, the word AGMARK is a combination of two words "AG" and "MARK", which means agricultural mark. After checking all agricultural products at the Central AGMARK Laboratory with the help of many technical teams then, it will certify the AGMARK if it qualifies the standard.

AGMARK Certification Process in India

India is the largest agricultural country in the world and most of the people living out of agriculture and working as a trader. AGMARK certification is a mark provided by state run Agmark Laboratory after verifying and checking all the products as per the rules and regulations of India AGMARK Act, 1937. The Central AGMARK Laboratory is based at Nagpur and it has 11 regional offices located in Mumbai, Chennai, Kolkata, New Delhi, Kanpur, Kochi, Guntur, Amritsar, Jaipur, Rajkot and Bhopal. All these regional offices have special team members and testing products in order to verify and give the AGMARK certification mark to various agricultural products.