Trademark Litigation India
Trademark Litigation considers the statutes, set of laws, regulations and decisional law in India relating to or arising from litigation that involves trademarks, trade names or unfair competition affecting trade identity, as well as statutes, rules, regulations and decisional law relating to/ arising from such litigation. Trademark protection can cover more than immediately a name associated with a service or product. Trademark litigation involves an argument over whether one party has encroached on the other trademark rights. Trade dress litigation involves disputes over whether the distinctive configuration of a product line has been infringed. Sometimes, unfair competition claims asserted in concert with trademark claims, can be made when a defendant product is liable to confuse the public in India as to the affiliation between goods, services or companies.
Our vast trademark litigation occurrence makes our attorneys well versed in the best ways to approach cases, whether large/small, complex or straightforward. We assess the potential risks and rewards of disputes and provide creative solutions for customers of all sizes. Our trademark attorneys regularly advise clients on protecting their trademarks & service marks from infringement and dilution and have significant experience with trademark litigation in civil courts as well as before the PTO in opposition and cancellation proceedings. Our attorneys are experienced in seeking & resisting temporary restraining orders and preliminary injunctions in state and federal courts.