FPO Certification India

In India, all processed and packaged fruit products are mandated to be certified with FPO Mark. Food process order or FPO mark is issued by the Ministry of Food processing Industry which also develops the standards for this mark. The mark was named after the law called Fruit Products offer. FPO certification India is effective since 1955 but became mandatory only in 2006 after Food Safety and Standards Act. It ensures that the food under consideration is reliable to purchase being fit for consumption and guaranteeing that it has been manufactured in hygienic environment. The Ministry has launched many publicity campaigns to educate public as well as fruit processors to understand its necessity and mandate. All food processors are mandated to have an FPO license and carry out their operations abiding by the guidelines in order to be able to continue the business.

FPO certification India license lays down guidelines for hygiene and sanitation of personnel, premises and surroundings. It also sets directives for machinery; water used for processing and product standards. For some products limits for preservatives and additives are also specified. Details of these requirements can be found on the Ministry of Food processing Industries' website.

FPO certification products include Fruit crushes, beverages syrups, sauces, ketchups, pickles, vinegars, canned juices, pulps, frozen vegetables and fruits, cereal flakes containing fruits and other similar products containing processed fruits and vegetables.

FPO certifications India requires test reports from laboratories identified by FPO and other documents related to establishment as well as operation of the firm. Nowadays, the food processors can obtain an FPO certification online. The ministry has developed an online system for licensing and monitoring all the activities related with the FPO. The online system facilitates to retrieve information regarding various FPO licenses, status updates of various activities, renewals, inspection details, follow up actions etc It also maintains a database of build and maintenance of FPO licenses. Various standards have to be met as well as many policies need to be complied in order to be eligible for FPO certification. In order to make the complete process comprehensive and effective there are various trading agencies as well as corporate law firms which can be consulted. All food processors must comply with FPO certification guidelines in order to maintain quality of processed fruit products in India and gain confidence of the consumers.

FPO certifications India can be obtained by approaching one of the various established law firms in the country.