Trademark Office India

The Trademark Office is the governmental office which is responsible for regulating trademark registrations, and ensuring proper and strict compliance with the rules and regulations described in the Trademark Act of the concerned country. The trademark offices can be governing and controlling trademark registrations at State, Provincial, Federal, or International levels. Besides, domestic trademark offices in each country, there are trademark offices at international and regional levels, to provide trademark registrations and protection to these, within their respective jurisdictions. This arrangement facilitates well smooth international and global business and trade in diverse sectors of economy. These international trademark offices work under the treaties and conventions of TRIPS Agreement of the World Trade Organization, Madrid Protocol of the WIPO, Berne or Paris Convention, and the European Community Trademark. Our law firm of global reputation located in India, provides expert and prompt services in connection with these domestic and international trademark offices in all around the whole world. The section below, offers detailed and exclusive information about the trademark offices in India.