Trademark Classification India

Assigning different distinct classes to trademarks (and service marks), for certain specific types of products, goods, and services in diverse economic sectors, is termed as the trademark classification. Hence, the trademark classification is commonly and popularly seen as the classification of products, goods, and services. For example, the Class 1 of trademarks is reserved for Chemicals in general, and Class 5 is dedicated to all Pharmaceuticals (in India). This trademark classification helps the trademark attorneys in filing and prosecuting diverse trademark applications conveniently and smoothly. Therefore, there is provision of trademark classification in countries all around the world. The international trademark conventions and treaties help countries to standardize their respective classification of trademarks, to facilitate international registration and protection of trademarks, and thus, easy and hassle-free international trade and business. Such internationally recognized regulating bodies are TRIPS Agreement of World Trade organization (WTO), WIPO, Berne and Paris Convention, and European Community Trademark (CTM). Today, there are about 45 classes of trademarks in general. The below section deals especially with the trademark classification india.

 Trademark Classification in India

In India too, the range of trademark classification is rather broad, as its trademark classification list contains 42 classes of trademarks and service marks. These classes of trademarks are made to categorize all products, goods, and services which are produced, supplied, or dealt in by various fields of all economic sectors. The new Trade Marks, 1999 and the Trade Marks Rules, 2002 of India, are in close conformity and consistency with most of the globally recognized and influential trademark conventions and treaties, to promote worldwide business and trade. Our worldwide prominent legal firm has been extending well-rounded services for 'india trademark registration' to people, institutions, and companies that belonged to India and countries all around the entire world, for over a decade. Other objects of intellectual property, and almost all areas of legal practice, have been served dedicatedly and innovatively by our expert and mellow legal professionals in all across the country and abroad.