Trademark a Name India
The trademark name is used interchangeably with name to designate written or spoken linguistic rudiments of the name. A trademark name is a form of trademark which identifies the trademark owner as the money-making source of products or services. The trademark owner may ask for to protect the proprietary rights in relation to a trademark name during trademark registration. Generally, name registration refers to the trade mark used to discriminate the goods or services among the consumers. The business group sells their services or goods under the precise name or brand that is called trade mark. Therefore, the name is registered in order to evade the repetition or use the same mark by others. In vision of this, the name registration referred to as trademark registration. Trademark name was initially developed as a name, term, design, and symbol.
A name can bring success in bloodthirsty and economic markets and thus become the markets worthless assets. Trademark name equity dealings the value of name to the trademark owner.Trademark name is an appliance to create monopoly so that the trademark owner can obtain some of the reimbursement to those related to decline price competition. There is legal magnitude as it is essential that the trademarks are protected by all means. An existing trademark name can be used as a vehicle for new and modified products. Individual trademark names allow greater suppleness by permitting different products to be sold without puzzling the consumer.