Trademark Filling India
The Trademark Filing is the first official step taken towards the registration of the desired trademark. This Trademark Filing is the formal and proper process of submitting a well-drafted trademark application to the recommended trademark office, in order to get one's trademark registered and protected. This trademark filing could be regional, national, or international, depending upon the business requirements. Our globally prominent and popular law firm has been extending impeccable services for trademark filing and prosecution, and trademark infringement litigation in domestic and international forums in all around the world, for over a decade. Perfect trademark filing and registration under the WIPO, TRIPS Agreement of WTO, Berne and Paris Convention, and the European Community Trademark (CTM), has been our paramount contribution to the world of trademarks in diverse economic sectors. The section below, describes comprehensively our superb services for trademark filing India, and India trademark registration.
Trademark Filing in India
The invention or selection, filing, registration, and protection of trademarks in all fields of economy in India, are governed and regulated by the new Trade Marks Act, 1999, and the Trade Marks Rules, 2002. These Indian trademark legislations are in close agreement and consistency with most of the globally acclaimed trademark conventions and regulations, so as to support and promote smooth and secured international trades and businesses in diverse economic sectors. Moreover, the trademark filing fees in India are quite reasonable and cheaper than those in most of the developed countries of the world. Entrepreneurs, industries, professionals, companies, and investors belonging to any of the various fields in the commercial, industrial, and professional sectors, and doing business in any part of India, can easily and promptly avail our services for trademark filing India. Trademark filing and registration with all zonal trademark offices in India are well-supported by us expeditiously and punctually at economical service charges.