Trademark Monitor India

There are three fundamental procedures before a trademark application can be considered for registration in any given country; they are examination, hearing and publication of the captioned mark or logo in trademark journal. Once the examiner is satisfied with an exacting mark in question, he publishes the same in Trademark journal and if the mark or logo is not opposed within a span of three months with further grace period of one month than the same is considered for registration. However, any opposition revenue trademark will be kept on hold and shall not be registered unless the opposition gets resolved. Thus, trademark monitor is basically revenue keeping a watch on different marks so that the possibility of possible deception or similarity can be curtailed. Trademark monitoring service mainly relates to keeping a watch on different marks that has been published in the trademark journal so that similar marks can be traced out and respective owners can be informed about the same accordingly.
Each and every journal available by the Trademark Registry should be downloaded properly so that complete information pertaining to different marks can be obtained. A trademark journal is published in every fifteen days. The trademark journal also provides an occasion to the owners of various marks to go through the details provided with the captioned mark, so that any clerical or typographical error can be removed properly before the registration of the same. Thus this site is not only confined to trademark filing , it also provides services pertaining to trademark opposition, trademark watch , trademark renewal and various other factors or issues concerning trademarks.