Trademark Agent India

Practicing as an India Trademark agent is a lucrative job. About 1.5 million trademarks on record either as pending applications or granted trademarks in the Indian Trademark Database maintained by the Trade Mark Registry of India.There are two ways to become an India Trademark Attorney. One being eligible by professional qualification to practice before the Trade Mark Registry of India or passing the qualifying examination conducted for becoming a Trade Mark Agent. The Trademarks Registry conduct an examination to admit persons to become Trademark Agents entitled to practice before the Trademarks Registry.

The qualification for becoming a Trademark Agent is prescribed in the Trademarks Act 1999 and the Trademark Rules 2002. In addition Advocates who are enrolled under the Advocates Act and Company Secretaries who have passed the examination conducted by the Institute of Company Secretaries of India and are licensed to practice as Company Secretary are entitled to represent their clients before the Trademarks Registry without the need for appearing in the Trademark Agent examination.

Registration of trademarks agents: The Registrar of trademarks shall maintain a register of trademarks agents wherein shall be entered the name, address of the place of residence, address of the principal place of business, the nationality, qualifications and date of registration of every registered trademarks agent.