Private Limited Company Registration Delhi

Company forms specific get together of obvious people in order to run the same interest of business. Company can also be called as collection of people to carry same corporate activities. In order to run their business smoothly, need to follow rules and regulations suggested under companies act of 1956 in India. There are various modes of company like public company, sole proprietors, private company, partnership mode and many more to carry authentic business. Under these modes, private limited company is one of the most demandable and high favorable types that mostly taken out by Indian entrepreneurs. Well, to carry business legitimately, private limited company registration is one of the tools that makes you with every successful on the different stages of crporate life.

Private Limited Company Process in Delhi

The private limited companies in all economic fields in India are registered under the regulations of the Companies Act, 1956. The private limited companies of foreign business corporations are also registered under this Indian Act, with some additional formalities with the Reserve Bank of India (RBI). Our well-established and experience law firm provides rigorous, responsible, perfect, and economical legal services to all these categories of private limited companies, in all across the country. The private limited company registration process followed in India is as follows:

The pre-requisites for private limited company registration in India are that it must have at least two shareholders (the maximum number of its shareholders permitted is 50), and the minimum paid-up capital of INR 100,000/- at the time of its incorporation. The private limited company registration process starts with forwarding at least four proposed names for the company, to the Registrar of Companies (ROC) in the State of Union Territory, where the main registered office of the company is to be set up, or the business is to be conducted. The approved company name by the concerned ROC is valid for a maximum period of six months. Within this period the Memorandum of Association (MOA) and the Articles of Association (AOA) must be filed with the ROC, together with various other requisite and ancillary documents. Well-rounded support of our experienced and punctilious company attorneys and lawyers is provided for drafting and making of these necessary documents for filing with the ROC. In general, a time period ranging from two to three weeks, is elapsed in the overall process of private company registration in India.