Convert Business to LLP/LLC India

When the nature of your business changes, it may nearby a chance for you to change from one business entity type to another:

Changing a corporation addicted to a limited liability company (LLC). For example, a C corporation with an proprietor that is not a US citizen wish to become an LLC to take advantage of pass-through taxation. (Because the C Corporation has an landlord that is not a US citizen, it cannot become an S corporation.)

Changing an LLC to a corporation. For example, the owners of an LLC may wish to seek venture capital funding and therefore wish to become a corporation.

Why it's important

Converting a company from one commerce type to another requires the business owner to follow the procedure required by the company' s state of incorporation. All tax implication should also be weighed and those obligations satisfied. For taxation questions, it is best to seek the advice of an accountant or tax advisor. Features & Benefits

     Determining the appropriate procedure for conversion in the state where your company was formed.
     Obtaining and preparing appropriate state forms.
     Submitting your completed alteration forms to appropriate state agencies.
     Notifying you when the process is complete and shipping any state-approved documents to you.