LLC Registration India

The LLCs are globally prominent for increased operational and governing flexibility as compared to other business firms, in addition to the benefits of limited liability. Most of the major and well-developed countries including the USA and UK, have a large number of such firms in diverse fields of economy. The LLC stands for the Limited Liability Company, and this type of companies are among the most popular forms of business firms in all around the globe. In India, this category of business entity is popularly known as the Limited Liability Partnership (LLP). In this article, furnished is well-rounded information about llc registration india, and how to register llc in any part of India. In India also, LLCs are quite common in diverse economic fields, owing to certain inherent and exclusive reasons. The most prominent of these reasons are - its easy and brisk formation and incorporation, convenient operations management by its members particularly the designated partners, recognized legal entity with perpetual existence, advantages of limited liability like other incorporated companies, and no minimum amount of capital requirement prescribed for each member.

How To Register LLC in India

In India, LLCs are registered under the rules and regulations of the Limited Liability Partnership Act, 2008, taking necessary and enlightening support if required, from the Companies Act, 1956. All correspondence regarding formation and incorporation of these are made with the Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA) of the Government of India, and with the online facilities available with We support our clients comprehensively regarding how to register llc india. To register llc in india, the following are the recommended steps:

    * At least two partners are required, with one or both partners equipped with DPIN and DSC.
    * Form-7 is submitted for acquiring these identification particulars.
    * Application for approval of the proposed names for the firm, is made with the Form-1, in accordance with the guidelines of the MCA.
    * After name reservation, all required information about the proposed firm, its main office, partners, and governing LLP Agreement, are filed through the Form-2, Form-4, and Form-3. After close examination and mature consideration of all documents forwarded, the Certificate of LLP Incorporation would be granted to the designated partner(s).